
CERTEX offers different types of service and inspection of lifting equipment and fall protection, in several different industries. Our goal is to provide you as a customer with a safe workplace and contribute to meeting the requirements that the authorities place on you as a company. All so that you and your employees can feel safe at work.


Why Service & Inspection?

As an employer and owner of lifting equipment and fall protection, you must comply with applicable laws and regulations. This includes ensuring that your equipment is maintained and inspected.

Our service technicians are located all over Sweden and come out to you as a customer to carry out inspection and ongoing supervision of lifting and fall protection equipment. You can also hand in your equipment for maintenance and repairs in our workshops. In addition, we offer installation, from large to small projects.

Which service do you need?

Click on the images to read more about each service or contact us through the form below.


Book your service

Fill in the form below to schedule a service appointment for your lifting equipment, fall protection gear, or crane, and we will contact you!